Open Innovation Platform


2022 Fall

The theme of the event was “Designing Our New Digital Architecture,” which was about the next-generation technologies emerging worldwide.
Lawrence Lessig, professor at Harvard Law School and founder of Creative Commons, and Pplpleasr, digital artist and organizer of Shibuya XYZ, took the stage as a key person and discussed “New Digital Architecture” with experts from different domains.

Date: November 4th, 2022
Location: Conference Hall “Dragon Gate” Shibuya Parco DG Bldg.

Key Guest Speakers (Titles as of 2022)
・Lawrence Lessig:Roy L. Furman Professor of Law and Leadership
・Pplpleasr:Digital Artist
・Ariel Ekblaw:Founding CEO, Aurelia Institute and Director, MIT Space Exploration Initiative
・Kim Polese:Executive Chairman, CrowdSmart
・Ken Hasebe:Mayor of Shibuya
・Sputniko!:Artist / Associate Professor, Tokyo University of the Arts Department of Design
・Mayumi Hara:CEO at FRAME00, Inc. & Dev Null AG
・Tim Mansfield:Core contributor, Macro
・HIRAI Takuya:Member of the House of Representatives Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)